biohomecares - Cleaning your home after the flu

Cleaning Your Home After The Flu

We all have the flu and when that happens, our homes become the breeding ground for germs. Even after we have recovered, there will still be germs lingering in the air and in places that we have come in contact with. It is therefore important that we clean the house to minimise the risk of the virus spreading to others.

The very first step to take is to ventilate your home. Even after you cleaned, germs are still present in the air. As such, airing your home would allow for a fresh circulation of air.

Here are some steps you can take to clean your home after the flu:

1. Cleaning surfaces

Go over every surface of furniture in your home and have a good wipe with a multi-surface cleaner. Surfaces include light switches, bed frames, study desks, door knobs, and the fridge.

Take it up a notch by adding a cup of white vinegar to your multi-surface cleaner mix to create a potent solution to kill the germs. Using a steamer is also effective in disinfecting the floors.

2. Cleaning the bedclothes

Pillowcases, Duvet covers, bedsheets and the mattress can become a breeding ground of germs. Give them a machine wash using your trusted liquid laundry detergent at a high-temperature setting.

See more tips on how you can clean your bedding and mattresses. Visit Bio-home’s Complete guide to Laundry for more info on how to get a thorough wash.

3. Cleaning Loose Items

Items like toothbrushes, mugs, cutleries, and even your mobile phone should be cleaned with a disinfectant wipe.

These are the items that are often forgotten when doing your cleaning routine. The remote control or the computer keyboard for example, should also be treated with a disinfectant wipe or a spray.

Further action

The cloth and items used to do the cleaning will themselves have germs transferred onto them. The better option would be to throw them away. If not, soak the items in hot water with a cup of baking soda and then washing them in your washer at a high termperature.

Lastly, remember to wash your hands!