Antibacterial products – where and how to use them
Curious about what goes on in antibacterial soaps, wipes and sprays? Whether you use them often or occasionally, it’s good to know what makes them useful and the appropriate ways to use them.
Sooner or later, you can’t avoid the build-up of household chores waiting to be done. Procrastination and half-hearted cleaning only get you so far, but some parts of your home will need a hard scrubbing more often. Places such as the bathroom and kitchen are rife with bacteria and germs. While some are harmless, germs from waste and raw products can make us seriously ill. Most advertised antibacterial products claim to eradicate 99% of germs, making it more sanitising than regular soap.
What exactly do they do?
Antibacterial products contain a combination of chemicals and natural oils with antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. This makes them excellent disinfectants that reduce the number of harmful germs and bacteria.
Antibacterial soap contains a disinfectant (hexachlorophene) and a substance that slows cell growth (triclocarbon) to slow the multiplication of bacteria. Tests have proved that these drastically reduces the lifespan of bacteria found on household surfaces with effects lasting up to 2 hours.
Apart from chemicals, antibacterial wipes and sprays also contain natural oils such as lavender, citrus, etc. that also removes harmful bacteria.
Where should I use the antibacterial products in my house?
Antibacterial products regardless of form can be used throughout your home to maintain hygiene. As mentioned above, some places harbour more bacteria than others. Hence, you might want to prioritise your usage.
Just make sure the kitchen and bathroom get a routine and comprehensive wipe down. Other places such as the bedroom or living room can be cleaned less often.
Why is it important to use antibacterial soap in kitchens and bathrooms?
- This is to prevent picking up bacteria like salmonella and E-coli from raw meats, fish and eggs. Cheeses, fruits and even vegetables also harbour food-borne viruses that can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea just to name a few symptoms.
- Waste products in the bathroom also contain many harmful germs, which is why washing our hands after using the bathroom is essential. Certain parts like the toilet flush and door handles should also be sanitised regularly.
- Since germs and bacteria flourish in warm habitats, it makes the kitchen and bathroom ideal breeding grounds.
What is the difference between antibacterial soaps, wipes and sprays?
Antibacterial soap
Best placed near your bathroom and kitchen basin. The form doesn’t matter, be it in liquid form or bar soap. After handling raw meat, it makes sense to wash your hands straight away in the kitchen. Research has shown that there is a slim chance of germs transferring from a contaminated bar soap. Those who are more conscious can carry hand sanitiser with them to be used on the go.
Antibacterial wipes
Ideal for wiping down flat surfaces like kitchen countertops and stoves. Spilt food and drink in refrigerators can also be easily wiped down using these. Since they come in small packs, you can carry them around as well.
Antibacterial spray
This is perfect for obscure corners and areas like door handles. For kitchen counters, use a cloth to wipe away excess after spraying.