BioHomeCares - Steps to achieve a sparkling clean kitchen

Easy steps to achieve a sparkling clean kitchen

If you are one of those whose kitchen turns out like a war zone after any attempt at making a meal, you’re not alone. Thankfully, there are simple steps and ways to restore your kitchen to its former glory. Read on for the list of ways to maintain your kitchen and to prevent it from reaching that state again.

Don’t leave anything on your counters. These mean cookbooks, recipes, even your mail. Make a habit of keeping everything in its proper place and not using your kitchen tops as a storage facility.


Make use of your sink. You can save water and time by soaking all your pots and cutleries to make it easier to get the grime out. It’ll save you from scrubbing and wasting your dish soap.


Sort out your fridge. It is extremely tempting to leave products in for ages at a time, especially if you tend to forget about it and are too lazy to clean it. However, this can become quite messy especially after the food expires, making it even more of a chore to clear. Keeping your fridge fresh saves you lots of trouble in the future.


Dust the unreachable areas. This means places like the top of your fridge, cupboards, or anywhere high up. You can sweep the dirt down and sweep it up later in one go. Start at one corner and work around the room to make things easier for you.


Clean the stoves. The grime marks on a stove can be tough to remove if you let them accumulate. Use a good all-purpose cleaner and let it sit for a few minutes. That should make it easier to wipe off.


Clean your appliances. It doesn’t matter whether you have a coffee machine, toaster or what-not. Spray a cloth with multi-purpose cleaner and start wiping to prevent stains and dirt from accumulating


Wipe your cabinets. Cockroaches love hiding out in your kitchen cabinets as they’re perfect – dark, quiet with lots of hiding space. Cleaning them regularly will help flush out any roaches and deter them from making a home there.


Empty your trash. This is essential for your kitchen, as leaving trash overnight can result in foul smells the next day. Not to mention, you’re harbouring tonnes of bacteria. Once your trash is cleared, simply rinse the sink, and you’re done!


With these easy steps, your kitchen will be clean in no time. Keep up this practice and you’ll soon find it easier to maintain a super clean kitchen space.