Does laundry detergent contribute to acne?
If we encounter acne, we typically blame it on the facial products we use on our skin, the food we ingest, the heat and humidity of the environment, or the stress that leads to our hormonal imbalances. However, we often overlook another reason, something that we regularly use but do not associate much with acne.
Unless we have sensitive skin, we often do not pay attention to the laundry detergent that we use. Most people grab something accessible and affordable off the shelves, without considering the quality and ingredients of the detergent. However, we should realise that the residue of our laundry detergent adheres to our clothes, our towels, our bedsheets and many other fabrics which come in contact with our skin every day. Hence, there is a high chance that the redness and inflammation of acne is contributed by the laundry detergent that we use.
If you are prone to acne, do check out hypoallergenic laundry detergents such as bio-home’s Laundry Detergent. It is free of harsh chemicals, restores our skin’s natural moisture barrier with its pH-neutral formula and biodegradable, 100% plant-based active ingredients. It is also available in phthalates-free fragrance – hyacinth and nectarine, to minimise redness and inflammation on acne-erupted skin.
Don’t forget to allow yourself sufficient time to observe significant improvements in your skin’s condition. It may take up to a couple of weeks for that, but start taking the necessary steps to keep acne at bay!
To discover some interesting facts about bio-home’s laundry detergent, click here.